German Literature: Important Writer Bertolt Brecht and His Major Works for UGC NET English

Bertolt Brecht

Important Writer Bertolt Brecht and His Major Works for UGC NET English German literature has a rich and diverse history, with many influential writers who have left an indelible mark on the literary world. Among these, Bertolt Brecht stands out as a pioneering figure whose innovative contributions to drama and theatre continue to be studied … Read more

Evelyn Waugh and His Significant Works

Evelyn Waugh

Postmodern Literature Writer Evelyn Waugh and His Significant Works Introduction to Postmodern Literature Postmodern literature, emerging after World War II, is marked by its use of narrative techniques such as fragmentation, paradox, and unreliable narrators. Unlike modernism, which sought meaning, postmodernism is skeptical of overarching narratives and ideologies. It questions the nature of reality and … Read more

The Timeless Wisdom of Plato: An Emotional Journey Through His Life and Works


In the grand tapestry of history, few figures have woven such enduring and influential threads as Plato, the philosopher whose ideas have shaped the very fabric of Western thought. With a heart full of inquiry and a soul brimming with intellectual fervor, Plato embarked on a journey that would leave an indelible mark on philosophy, … Read more

Postmodern Literature (1939-To present) Important Writers for UGC NET English

Postmodern Literature (1939-To present ):Important Writers for UGC NET English

In contrast to conventional narrative structures, postmodern literature, which dates from 1939 to the present, is known for its preference for fragmented narratives, intertextuality, and self-reflection. Literature from this time period questions the idea of unchanging reality and explores subjectivity, language fluidity, and the social effects of the media. Salman Rushdie, Margaret Atwood, Jeanette Winterson, … Read more

Age of modernism(1850-1900) : Important Writers for UGC NET English

Age of modernism(1850-1900) : Important Writers for UGC NET English

Literature and cultural expression underwent significant change throughout the Age of Modernism (1850–1900), which was marked by the rise of new artistic forms and a challenge of conventional norms. It was a time when authors took risks and used novel approaches to examine subjects like identity, society, and the human condition. Aspiring candidates get the … Read more

The Victorian Age (1850-1900) : Important Writers for UGC NET English

The Victorian Age (1850-1900) : Important Writers for UGC NET English

Welcome to you, readers and future academics! Today, we set out on a fascinating journey to the Victorian Age, one of the most influential and dynamic eras in the history of English literature. This time period, which stretched from 1850 to 1900, saw significant changes in society, culture, and literature. In this blog, we’ll highlight … Read more

The Romantic Period (1798-1850) : Important Writers for UGC NET English

The Romantic Period (1798-1850) : Important Writers for UGC NET English

The English literary landscape underwent a tremendous change during the Romantic Period, which ran from 1798 to 1850. A newfound appreciation for nature and the creative process emerged during this period of deep emotional outpouring and independence. Romantic authors who appeared at this time are still recognised as significant characters in literary history and are … Read more

 Augustan Age/18th Century Literature (1700-1800) : Important Writers for UGC NET English

 Augustan Age/18th Century Literature (1700-1800) : Important Writers for UGC NET English

The Augustan Age, sometimes referred to as the 18th Century Literature (1700–1800), is regarded as a pivotal era in the development of English literature. It was characterised by a revival of neoclassical principles that placed an emphasis on intelligence, morality, and reason. This period’s writing served as a reflection of the shifting social, political, and … Read more

Restoration Period (1660-1700): Important Writers for UGC NET English

Restoration Period (1660-1700): Important Writers for UGC NET English

Welcome, bookworms and prospective UGC NET English candidates! Today, we set off on an enthralling tour through the Restoration Period , one of the most fascinating eras in the history of English literature. Between 1660 and 1700, English literature, politics, and society underwent a striking shift. Writers and thinkers started experimenting with new forms of … Read more

The Puritan age/Age of Milton(1620-1660): Important Writers for UGC NET English

The Puritan Age (1620–1660), commonly referred to as the Age of Milton, was a pivotal time in English history and literature. Religious fervour, political instability, and a passionate desire to transform society in accordance with Puritan principles were all prevalent at this time. The influential authors of this era capture the intellectual and societal changes … Read more