The Age of Chaucer-Important writers for Ugc Net English (1350-1500)

Join us on a historical voyage through “The Age of Chaucer” to learn more about this interesting time period, fellow book lovers. English literature saw enormous changes between the years 1350 and 1500, which led to the rise of famous authors whose works still hold our attention today. We shall examine the literary climate of this time period in this blog article, concentrating on the notable writers who made a substantial contribution to the growth of English literature. This assessment of the key authors from the 14th to the 15th century will spark your interest whether you are studying for the UGC NET English exam or just have a passion for literary history.

1.Geoffrey Chaucer

The works of Geoffrey Chaucer, a poet, philosopher, and diplomat who is frequently referred to as the “Father of English Literature,” have had a significant influence on the growth of the English language and literature. Chaucer, who was born in the 14th century, lived through a time of significant changes in society and culture, and his writings capture the complexity and nuanced nuances of the period.

“The Canterbury Tales,” Chaucer’s crowning achievement, is still one of the most important pieces of literature ever written in the English language. This collection of Middle English short stories depicts a variety of types of pilgrims making their way to Thomas Becket’s shrine. Chaucer captures the diverse social strata, occupations, and moral conundrums of mediaeval society in his stories in a striking manner. From the raunchy and comic “Miller’s Tale” to the sorrowful and philosophical “Knight’s Tale,” Chaucer shows his command of several genres and his capacity to convey a wide variety of human experiences.

Chaucer’s other works, including “Troilus and Criseyde” and “The Book of the Duchess,” in addition to “The Canterbury Tales,” also demonstrate his literary talent and his investigation of subjects like love, honour, and the nature of existence. Along with his own experiences as a courtier and ambassador, his writing is influenced by French and Italian literature.

Beyond his poetry ability, Chaucer made other literary contributions to English literature. He was a Middle English innovator who had a significant impact on the development of the English language. He helped establish English as a valid literary language by writing in common English rather than Latin or French, opening the door for subsequent authors to express themselves in their home tongue.

2. William Langland

Another major author of the Age of Chaucer who made considerable contributions to English literature is William Langland, who was Geoffrey Chaucer’s contemporary. The allegorical poem “Piers Ploughman,” by Langland, is most recognised for providing a thorough and insightful analysis of the social, political, and theological climate of mediaeval England.

“Piers Plowman” is a visionary work that follows the spiritual journey of a character named Will, who embarks on a quest for truth and salvation. Through vivid allegorical episodes and dream visions, Langland delves into themes of social justice, morality, and the search for a just and righteous society. The poem critiques the corruption and hypocrisy of the Church, the ruling classes, and society at large, while advocating for a return to simplicity, humility, and ethical living.

Rich in symbolism and using complicated allegories, Langland’s writing in “Piers Ploughman” is distinguished by the usage of Middle English. His writing combines Christian theology with social observation and introspective reflection, reflecting the impact of mediaeval religious and philosophical traditions.

Langland’s “Piers Ploughman” is nevertheless a noteworthy piece of literature from the time, providing important insights into the worries and aspirations of medieval England, although not being as read or studied as Chaucer. His poem serves as a reminder of the ability of literature to connect with urgent concerns of its day by shedding light on the tensions and hardships faced by common people during a period of significant societal upheaval.

Understanding Langland’s “Piers Ploughman” might help UGC NET English candidates gain important insights into the complexity of medieval literature, the allegory tradition, and the social and cultural setting of Chaucer’s time.

3. John Wyclif

John Wyclif was an influential theologian, philosopher, and religious reformer in England during the Age of Chaucer. He is a crucial author to take into account for the UGC NET English because of the profound influence his views and writings had on mediaeval England’s intellectual and religious environment.

Wyclif is most known for his work translating the Bible into English and for his advocacy of religious reform. He contested the authority of the Catholic Church and its insistence on using Latin as the sole language of religious writings by advocating for the necessity of making Scripture understandable to the general public. The Bible was translate

Wyclif’s theology and philosophical publications, in addition to his translation work, contained ground-breaking and divisive ideas at the time. He urged for a return to the austerity and simplicity of the early Christian Church, denounced the opulent lifestyle and corruption of the clergy, and emphasised the importance of human conscience as well as individual faith in religious salvation.

Wyclif lay the foundation for the English Reformation and the Protestant Reformation by emphasising vernacular English as a medium of information dissemination and by advocating for religious change. Other religious reformers like Martin Luther’s writings reflect his impact.

d into English by Wyclif, who made it possible for people to immediately interact with Christian doctrine in their language.

Wyclif’s writings offer insights into the philosophical and spiritual milieu of the Age of Chaucer for UGC NET English candidates. His theories overturned conventional wisdom and paved the ground for England’s religious beliefs to change. Knowing Wyclif’s influence is crucial to understanding the larger social, cultural, and theological advancements of the time.

4. John Mandeville

John Mandeville’s writing is significant as a key travel writer of the time even though he is not regarded as a notable writer of the Age of Chaucer in the same way as Chaucer or other literary figures. The travelogue “The Travels of Sir John Mandeville,” which is thought to have been written by John Mandeville under a pseudonym, was extremely well-liked in the 14th and 15th centuries.

The author of “The Travels of Sir John Mandeville” purports to have travelled through Asia, the Middle East, and Europe. Although there have been disagreements over the work’s historical veracity, it had a significant influence on European literature and sparked readers’ imaginations throughout the Age of Chaucer. Mandeville’s descriptions of fantastical animals, far-off locations, and wonders captivated audiences and contributed to the era’s spirit of adventure and discovery.

Mandeville’s writing let readers learn more about the world outside their immediate surroundings by providing a window into faraway civilizations, traditions, and landscapes. Even though the writing had embellishments and fantasy components, it aroused interest and provided ideas for later travel stories.

Mandeville’s writing can offer insights into the literary and cultural environment of the Age of Chaucer for UGC NET English candidates. It makes it easier to comprehend the era’s infatuation with travel writing and curiosity about distant regions and cultures. Mandeville’s writings are an important source for learning about mediaeval readers’ mindsets and the influence of storytelling and imagination on how they understood the world.

5. John Gower

One of the significant authors of the Chaucer Period is John Gower, a Geoffrey Chaucer contemporary and friend. He is a remarkable individual for UGC NET English hopefuls to research and admire because of his contributions to English literature, notably in the fields of poetry and moral philosophy.

The famous poem “Confessio Amantis” (The Lover’s Confession), written in Middle English, is Gower’s most well-known creation. The poem is structured as a conversation between a lover and his confessor and uses a variety of moral and ethical conundrums to explore them. To impart his moral lessons, Gower draws on both classical and modern materials, fusing mythology, history, and romance.

Gower explores morality, the complexity of love, and human behaviour via “Confessio Amantis,” blending allegory and didacticism into his stories. His poetry writing demonstrates a mastery of language and his capacity to enthral readers by striking a balance between grace and didactic clarity.

Gower was a prolific author of Latin and French prose in addition to his poetry endeavours. His writings covered a wide range of topics, including articles on morality and religion, as well as legal and political treatises. Gower’s prose compositions demonstrated his knowledge of current intellectual issues and his interest in them.

Gower made significant contributions to mediaeval English literature even if he may not have attained Chaucer’s degree of fame. His writings are deserving of study and praise because to his examination of moral and ethical concerns, as well as his skill as a storyteller and grasp of numerous languages. Our knowledge of the Age of Chaucer and the various voices that created the literary landscape of the time is enriched and deepened by a comprehension of Gower’s creative accomplishments

Read More: Anglo-Norman Period-Important writers for Ugc Net English


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