Discovering Literary Criticism and Literary Theory in UGC NET English Syllabus

Have you ever pondered how literature may transport us to other places, elicit strong feelings, and generate fresh concepts? It’s imperative to research literary theory and criticism if you have an interest in English literature. The UGC NET English syllabus, a test for prospective academics and scholars, includes these two crucial topics.

Literary criticism and theory play a prominent role in the UGC NET English syllabus, which covers a wide range of topics. By exploring the historical, cultural, and social settings of literary works, they aid in our understanding of and appreciation for literature. They also explore the text’s hidden structures, themes, and meanings.

Literature can be analysed in a variety of ways, for as by considering its form, order, psychological components, feminism, or the effects of colonisation. It offers resources for reading and analysing works, revealing their literary methods and deeper meanings. By participating in literary criticism, we get the chance to have discussions and arguments that push our preconceived notions and increase our knowledge.

Literary theory, on the contrary hand, investigates more extensive structures that influence how we comprehend literature. It raises issues about the function and place of literature in culture. The UGC NET English syllabus emphasises examining a range of theoretical frameworks from more established ones like New Criticism and Marxism to more contemporary ones like eco-criticism and queer theory.

As indicated in the UGC NET English syllabus, we shall take an exhilarating voyage through the world of literary theory and criticism in this blog series. We’ll discuss these topics’ importance, look at crucial ideas, and introduce significant thinkers who have influenced the discipline. Join us to sharpen your critical thinking abilities, expand your knowledge of literature, and discover the mysteries held inside great works of literature.

Prepare to explore the intriguing world of literary theory and criticism, stimulating your curiosity and laying the foundation for success in the UGC NET English exam and beyond.

UGC NET English Syllabus-Literary Criticism

Greek Critics                        Roman Critics            Middle Age Critics             Enlightenment age Critics                  
1. Socrates
2. Plato
3. Aristotle
1. Horace
2. Longinus
3. Quintilian
1. Philip Sidney
(First English Critic)
1. John Dryden
2. Alexander Pope
3.Samuel Johnson
Thinkers                                    Romantic Age Critics                                 Victorian Age Critic                        
1. Thomas Hobbes
2. John Locke
3.Giambattista Vico
4.Edmund Burke
1. William Wordsworth
2. Samuel Taylor Coleridge
3. John Keats
1. George Eliot
2. Friedrich Nietsche
3. G.M.Hopkins
4. Henry James
5. Matthew Arnold
6. T.S.Eliot

UGC NET English Syllabus-Literary Theory

Literary Theory is an important part of the UGC NET English Syllabus. It entails looking at numerous viewpoints and frameworks that influence how we read literature. Traditional ideas like New Criticism and Marxism are included in this section along with more recent viewpoints like eco-criticism and queer theory. We can explore the relevance and function of literature in society by studying literary theory. It cultivates our capacity for critical thought and encourages us to read literature from a variety of perspectives. By participating in this course material, students extend their viewpoints and hone their analytical abilities while also developing a deeper understanding of the complexity and importance of literature.

New Criticism                                             Formalism                                Structuralism                                    
1. William Empson
2. I.A.Richards
3. Cleanth Brooks
4. F.R.Leavis
5. Wimsatt & Beardley
6. R.P.Blackmur
7. Allen Tate
8. John Crowe Ransom
9. Neo Aristotelian
1. Victor Shklovsky
2. Boris Echenbaum
3. Yuri Tynyanov
4. Roman Jacobson
1. Ferdinand De Saussure
2. C.S.Peirce
3. Claude Levi Strass
4. Vladimir Propp
5. A.J.Greimas
6. Gerard Genette
7. Michail Bhaktin
8. Roland Barthes
Post Structuralism &
PostModernism                             Psychoanalytic Criticism                     
1. Michael Foucault
2. Jacques Derrida
3. Paul De Man
4. J.H.Miller

1. Jean Baudrillard
2. Julia Kristeva
3. Jean Francois Lyotard
4. Frederic Jameson

5. David Harvey

6. Terry Eagleton


1. Sigmund Freud
2. Jacques Lacon
3. Harold Bloom
4. Noam Chomsky
Archetypal Criticism                   Reader Response Theory              Feminism                                            Marxism                                    
1. J.S.Frazer
2. Carl Jung
3. Northop Frye
4. Maud Bodkin
1. Norman Holland
2. Wolfgangn Iser
3. Stanley Fish
4. H.R.Hauss
1. Margaret Fuller
2. Mary Wollstonecraft
3. J.S.Mill
4. Virginia Woolf
5. Simon De Beauvoir
6. Kate Millett
7. Judith Butler
8. Elaine Showwalter
9. Helene Cixous
10. Sandra & Susan Gilbert
11. Shulamith Firestone
12. Dale Spender
13. Andrienne Rich
1. Karl Marx & Engels
2. Louis Althrusser
3. Antonio Gramsci
4. Pierre Bourdeieu
5. Paul Ricoeur
6. Ernest Mandel
New Historicism                  Queer Theory Eco Criticism                    Postcolonial Criticism                                              

1.Stephan Greenbalt
2. Loise Montrose
3. Alan Sinfield

4. Cathetine Gallagher

1. Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick
2. Alan Sinfield
3. Adreinne Rich
1. Cheryll Glofelty
2. Laurene Coupe
1. Franz Fanon
2. Edward Said
3. Homi K Bhabha
4. Gayatri Spivak
5. Aime Cesaire & Leopold Senghhor
6. Edward Soja
7. Benedict Anderson
8. Antonio Negri & Michael Hart
9. Salman Rushdie
10. Bill Ashcroft


May success be with you 

 Read More: Ugc Net English Syllabus -World Literature (Important writers)

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