Ugc Net English Syllabus-British Literature

Ugc Net English Syllabus

The UGC NET English course covers a wide range of influential authors, poets, novelists, and playwrights from many historical periods. The world of literature has benefited greatly from the work of these authors.

Homer, the well-known Greek epic poet and author of the Iliad and the Odyssey, is a well-known figure in antiquity. Moving on to the Middle Ages, The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer provides a vivid picture of mediaeval England.

Shakespeare’s renowned works, including Hamlet, Macbeth, and Romeo and Juliet, are showcased during the Renaissance. The epic poem Paradise Lost by John Milton explores complex religious and political issues.

William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge distinguish out for their lyrical poetry and mystic imagination throughout the Romantic era. Charles Dickens, Jane Austen, and Thomas Hardy were well-known authors.

With their unconventional storytelling and writing techniques, writers from the modern and postmodern periods like Virginia Woolf, James Joyce, T.S. Eliot, and William Faulkner questioned conventions.

Influential writers who explore current societal concerns and offer a variety of viewpoints include Salman Rushdie, Toni Morrison, and J.M. Coetzee.

Together, these outstanding novelists, poets, playwrights, and authors who are included in the UGC NET English syllabus illustrate the rich fabric of literary heritage and the always changing landscape of human expression.

Important writers/poets/novelist/ dramatist from all Ages (Ugc Net English Syllabus)

1. Anglo-Saxon Period(410-1066)2. Anglo-Norman Period(1066-1340)3.The Age of Chaucer(1340-1400)4.The Revival of Learning(1400-1450)

1. Beowulf Poet
2. Caedman
3. Venerable Bede
4. King Alfred the Great
1. Geoffrey Monmouth
2. Layamon

 1. Geoffrey Chaucer William   2. Langland
 3. John Wyclif
 4. John Mandeville
 5. John Gower
 6. James First
 7. Sir David Lidsay
 8. Robert Henryson
 9. William Dunbar
10.Gavin Douglas
11. John Skeleton
12. John Lydgate
13. Thomas Occleve
14. Alexander Barclay
1. Roger Ascham
2. King Arthur
3. Thomas More
4. Erasmus
5 Thomas Wyatt
6. Henry Howard/Earl of Surrey
7. Richard Tottel
5.The Age of Elizabeth (1550-1620)6. The Puritan age/Age of Milton(1620-1660)7.The Period of Restoration(1660-1700)8. Augustan Age/18th Century Literature (1700-1800)

 1. Edmund Spenser
 2. Thomas Sackville
 3. Philip Sidney
 4. George Chapman
 5. Michael Drayton
 6. Dramatist
 7. Christopher Marlow
 8. Robert Greeen
 9. Thomas Nash
10. John Lyly
11. Thomas Lodge
12. George Peele
13. Thomas Kyd
14. William Shakespeare
15. Ben Jonson
16. Beamount
17. Fletcher
18. John Webster
19. Thomas Middleton
20. Thomas Heywood
21. Thomas Dekker
22. Philip Massinger
23. John Ford
24. James Shirley
25. Prose writers
26. Francis Bacon
27. Richard Hooker
28. Walter Raleigh
29. John Foxe
30. William Camden
31. John knox
32. Hakluyt
33. Samuel Purchas
34. Thomas North
 1. John Milton
 2. John Bunyan
 3. Sir Thomas Browne
 4. Jeremy Taylor
 5. Izaak Walton
 6. Thomas Fuller
 7. Richard Baxter
 8. Robert Burton
 9. Thomas Otway
10. Nathaniel Lee
11. William Congrev
1. Jeremy Collier
2. John Dryden
3. John Evelyn
4. Samuel Pepys
 1. Alexander Pope
 2. Jonathan Swift
 3. Joseph Addison
 4. Richard Steele
 5. Samuel Johnson
 6. James Boswell
 7. Edward Gibbon
 8. Thomas Gray
 9. Oliver Goldsmith
10. William Cowper
11. Robert Burns
12. William Blake
13. Richard Sheridan
14. William Godwin
15. Horace Walpole
16. Ann Radcliffe
17. James Thomason
18. William Collins
19. Thomas Percy
20. Daniel Defoe
21. Henry Fielding
22. Lawrence Sterne
9.The Age of Romanticism (1798-1850)10. The Victorian Age (1850-1900)11. Age of modernism(1850-1900)12. Postmodern Literature (1939-To present )
 1. William Wordsworth
 2. S.T.Coleridge
 3. Walter Scott
 4. George Gordon Lord   5. Byron
 6. P.B.Shelly
 7. John Keats
 8. Thomas Love Peacock
 9. Charles Lamb
10.Thomas De Quincy
11. Jane Austen
 1. Alfred Tennyson
 2. Robert Browning
 3. Elizabeth Browning
 4. Dante Gabriel Rossetie
 5. William Morris
 6. Charles Dickens
 7. William Makepeace Thackeray
 8. Mary Ann Evans(George Eliot)
 9. Charles Reade
10. Anthony Trollope
11. Charlotte Bronte
12. Emily Bronte
13. Mrs.Gaskell
14. Thomas Hardy
15. Thomas Babington Macaulay
16. Thomas Carlyle
17. John Ruskin
18. Mathew Arnold
19. John Henry Newman
20. John Addington Symonds
21. Darwin
 1. Rudyard Kipling
 2. H.G. Wells
 3. John Galsworthy
 4. James M.Barrie
 5. Joseph Conrad
 6. Arnold Bennett
 7. G.B. Shaw
 8. W.B.Yeats
 9. George Orwell
10. Virginia Woolf
11. J.M.Synge
12. D.H.Lawerence
13. James Joyce
 1. Evelyn Waugh
 2. Joseph Heller
 3. John Masters
 4. William Gaddis
 5. Graham Green
 6. Paul Scott
 7. Julian Barnes
 8. John Hawkes
 9. Angus Wilson
10. John Barth
11. Kurt Vonnegut
12. John Fowles
13. John Whiting
14. Christopher Fry
15. Anthony Powell
16. Philip Larkin
17. C.P. Snow
18. Harold Pinter
19. Samuel Beckett
20. Luigi Pirandello
21. Bertolt Brecht

                                                                                         All the Best 

                    Read More : The Revival of Learning: Important Writers for UGC NET English (1400-1450)
Ugc Net English Syllabus-British Literature

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