Ugc Net English Syllabus-Literary Devices, Terms,Movements & Literary Elements


Ugc Net English Syllabus- Important Literary Devices

Welcome to our UGC NET English syllabus blog series! The UGC NET English test requires you to demonstrate your knowledge of literary devices through analysis and comprehension. We shall examine the main literary devices that are crucial from a UGC NET standpoint in this introductory blog.

Literary devices are effective techniques that authors utilise to improve their literary creations. Texts become more interesting and thought-provoking as a result of these methods’ depth, originality, and layers of meaning.

There is a special emphasis on some literary devices in the UGC NET English syllabus. These technologies use a variety of linguistic and rhetorical strategies to help authors successfully explain their views. You will be well-equipped to analyse and interpret texts in the exam if you are familiar with these tools.

The following are the most important literary devices for the UGC NET English Examination.

Literary Devices  
1. Allegory
2. Alliteration
3. Allusion
4. Anaphora
5. Antitheses
6. Apostrophe
7. Bathos
8. Conceit
9. Circumlocution
10. Chiasmus
11. Diacope
12. Hyperbole
13. Imagery
14. Irony
15. Juxtaposition
16. Kenning
17. Litotes
18. Metaphor
19. Metonymy
20. Onomatopoeia
21. Oxymoron
22. Pathetic Fallacy
23. Paradox
24. Personification
25. Prolepsis
26. Simile
27. Synecdoche
28. Synesthesia
29. Transferred Epithet
30. Zeugma

Ugc Net English Syllabus-Important Literary terms

Understanding key literary terminology is critical as you get ready for the UGC NET English exam. We will go into the literary terms that are crucial from a UGC NET standpoint in this introductory article. You may properly analyse and comprehend texts with the help of these terms, which cover a variety of language and literary analysis topics. We’ll go over key literary concepts including simile, metaphor, personification, alliteration, symbolism, irony, allegory, and more throughout this course. Prepare to boost your literary analysis abilities by utilising these terms from the UGC NET English syllabus.

Literary terms  
1. Anti Climax
2. Anti Hero
3. Byronic Hero
4. Bowdlerize
5.Carpe Diem
6. Celtic Myth
7. Dream Vision
8. Deus Ex Machina
9. Epiphany
10. Epiloque
11. Euphemism
12. Epigraph
13. Epitaph
14. Epithet
15. Incunabula
16. Motif
17. Malapropism
18. Purple Patch
19. Poetic License
20. Poetic Diction
21. Pallinode
22. Parody
23. Satire
24. Soliloquy
25. Poetic Justice

Ugc Net English Syllabus-Important Literary Movements

Welcome to our UGC NET English syllabus blog series! The UGC NET English test requires you to demonstrate your understanding of significant literary developments. We shall explore the important literary movements that are crucial from a UGC NET standpoint in this introductory blog.

Literary movements are periods of time when writers and poets produce works with a common style, subject matter, or underlying philosophy. We can more successfully analyse and evaluate texts if we are aware of these movements. We’ll look at significant literary movements like Romanticism, Modernism, Postcolonialism, Feminism, and more throughout this series. Join us as we explore important literary movements covered by the UGC NET English syllabus.

Literary Movements  
1. Scottish Chaucerians
2. University Wits
3. Comedy Of Humors
4. Masque
5. Sons of Ben
6. Metaphysical Poets
7. Cavalier Poets
8. Metaphysical Poets
9. Cavalier Poets
10. Commoedia Dell’arte
11. Kit Kat Club
12. Scriblerus Club
13. Graveyard Poets
14. Lake Poets
15. Satanic School of Poetry
16. Cockney School of Poetry
17. Dark Romantics
18. Transcendentalism
19. Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood
20. Aestheticism
21. Fireside Poets
22. Realism
23. Naturalism
24. Impressionism
25. Imagism
26. Surrealism
27. Rhymer’s Club
28. Irish Dramatic Movement
29. Auden Group
30. Georgian Poets
31. Harian Renaissance
32. War Poets
33. Lost Generation
34. Bloomsbury Group
35. Stream Of Consiousness
36. Black Mountain Poets
37. New Apocalyptics
38. Southern Agrarians
39. Black Arts Movement
40. Existentialism
41. Agitprop
42. Theatre of Cruelty
43. Epic Theatre
44. Angry Young Man
45. Kitchen Sink Drama
46. Theatre of Absurd
47. Theatre of Oppressed
48. Beat Generation
49. Confessional Poetry
50. Movement Poets

Ugc Net English Syllabus-Important Literary Elements

Greetings and welcome to our blog series on the UGC NET English syllabus! A solid grasp of key literary components is crucial as you get ready for the UGC NET English exam. We will go into major topics including genres of fiction, types of narrators, types of characters, types of poetry, and prosody in this introductory blog.

We can successfully analyse and appreciate literary works when we are familiar with the many genres of fiction, including novels, short tales, and dramas. Similar to this, investigating various narrators and characters broadens our knowledge of storytelling strategies.

We’ll also look at different kinds of poetry and the idea of prosody, which is concerned with the rhythm, metre, and structure of poems.

Follow along as we investigate these crucial literary components covered by the UGC NET English syllabus. We will acquire the skills needed to successfully analyse, understand, and appreciate literature if we are familiar with these crucial elements.

Types of Fiction Types of Narrators Types of Character
1. Apacalyptic Literature
2. Bildungsroman
3. Campus Novel
4. Chivalric Romance
5. Dystopian
6. Epistolary Novel
7. Gothic
8. Historic
9. Metafiction
10. Mystery
11. Magic Realism
12. Memoir
13. Picaresque
14. Science Fiction
15. Roman e Clef
1. Narative Perspective: First, Second
& Third Person Point of view
2. Omniscient Narrator
3. Limited Narrator
4. Unreliable Narrator
5. Objecive Narator

1. Protagonist & Antogonist
2. Major & Minor Characters
3. Dynamic & Static Characters
4. Flat & Round Characters
5. Stock Characters


Prosody Types Of Poetry
1. Intro To Rhetoric & Prosody
2. Intro To Meter
3. Types of Metrical Patterns
4. Types of Rhymes
5. Types of Verse
6. Types of Rhyme Scheme
7. Types of Stanza
8. Enjambment
9. Caesura
10. Refrain
1. Dramatic Poetry
2. Narrative Poetry
3. Epic Poetry
4. Lyric Poetry
5. Elegy
6. Sonnet
7. Ode
8. Pastoral Poetry
9. Concrete Poetry
10. doggerel


Wishing you the best 🙂

Read Also : Ugc Net English Syllabus -World Literature (Important writers)

Ugc Net English Syllabus-British Literature

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